
Luxury Ground Turkish Coffee 100% Arabica, Roasted in Wood Fire- Fres...

Description: 100% Arabica Ground Roasted Turkish Coffee, Very strong on flavor, rich in aroma and almost earthy. Brews perfectly. Turkish Coffee is Very Healthy and Beneficial, It can help you reap the benefits of caffeine. Coffee Health benefits were only observed in participants who consumed boiled coffee that are chemically the same as Greek and Turkish coffee. Concentrated, Energy-Boosting and Full of antioxidant content. Turkish coffee is served as a concentrated coffee brew where in the coffee content of a small demitasse cup is equal to that of a regular-sixed coffee cup. Flavorful. Turkish coffee is a delightful coffee drink because the brewed beverage is richer in taste and the amount of sugar and spice additive can be adjusted according to your taste. Cost-effective. Preparing Turkish coffee is less expensive than using an espresso machine. You can also opt to prepare more or less coffee, depending on your desired amount, because it is unfiltered.

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