
Beer Bong Double Header, Best Double Beer Funnel with Valves for Coll...

Description: ? THE BEST DOUBLE BEER FUNNEL for college parties, vacation days, or just some good ole fashioned earth-beer drinking. Check out our reviews, our customers agree that this is the best head-to-head beer funnel you can get! What are you waiting for? Invite your friends over and have a party that is out of this world! ? EASY TO USE DUAL VALVE for serious chugging competitions and face off. The valves stop any beer from hitting your face at lightspeed before youre ready! The mouthpiece fits tightly inside the tube to avoid messy leaks! ? TWO FOOT KINK-FREE BEER BONG TUBES are resistant to those annoying folds and creases that prevent proper chugging. This funnel is the perfect size for standing or kneeling chugs. ? THE PERFECT WAY TO GET THE PARTY GOING is to bring out this beer bong double funnel and pour two beers in. Make sure you dont throw a party without one of these. Just because the rest of earth is boring doesnt mean that you shouldnt rock the planet. ? EARTHLINGS BEWARE the University Beer Bong Double Funnel is more fun than any other earth party game.

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